«Free 3D building designer and calculator»

Comparison of PK VESTA factory with other similar companies?

We do not doubt the quality of products and the work experience of the main players in the market of prefabricated buildings in Russia and abroad, but we draw attention to the fact that many of them adhere to the traditional business model of customer service, which is based on filling out the technical specs and calculating the building by company employees in office offline, receiving results and then sending the commercial proposal to the client by e-mail.

A distinctive feature of the PK Vesta plant is the unique on-line WebSteel system, which allows the client to design and instantly calculate the costs of a pre-fabricated building in real time via the Internet (snow, wind and seismic loads are digitized in Eurasia, the Middle East and Africa) The system is active 24 hours and 7 days a week. The client himself designs the building on-line, and our company makes it to order on the basis of the new philosophy of “Smart Techno Design» (free online design in the zone of technological restrictions of production) and a new approach to the production of «Smart Continuous Production» (a set of methods for manufacturing individual steel buildings with emphasis on quality, speed, automation and staff motivation) WebSteel is not a complex calculator or a large form for filling out the parameters of a technical building, but a  powerful online platform created on the basis of algorithms, structural mechanics and research work.

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