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PK Vesta plant announces the order of a new sports hall 15W x 30L x 7.1H for a private school in Blagoveshchensk, Russia.

PK Vesta plant announces the order of a new sports hall 15W x 30L x 7.1H for a private school in Blagoveshchensk, Russia.


PK Vesta plant announces the order of a new sports hall 15W x 30L x 7.1H for a private school in Blagoveshchensk, Russia. Considering the successful experience of developing a network of typical gyms and sports halls in Crimea on the basis of light metal structures, representatives of a large private school in Blagoveshchensk decided to apply this particular type of structure in their town based on the solutions from the PK VESTA factory (gable roof with elevation differences)

A unified technical block with changing rooms, showers, a corridor, a room for teachers and engineering networks is attached to the main hall 15W x 25L. The building kit includes all doors, window framed openings with polycarbonate (20mm, 4 layers), an arched skylight (20mm) with automatic folds for ventilation and inner partitions (100mm, sandwich panels, 100mm) Non-combustible sandwich panels with increased thermal insulation properties are used (walls 200mm, roof - 250mm) with all fasteners and fittings. The supporting steel frame is based on the most advanced technology - LSGF (galvanized cold-formed profiles)

The pre-fabricated sports hall made out of LSGF was designed and calculated in the free innovative online service WebSteel

PK Vesta plant announces the order of a new sports hall 15W x 30L x 7.1H for a private school in Blagoveshchensk, Russia.
PK Vesta plant announces the order of a new sports hall 15W x 30L x 7.1H for a private school in Blagoveshchensk, Russia.
PK Vesta plant announces the order of a new sports hall 15W x 30L x 7.1H for a private school in Blagoveshchensk, Russia.
PK Vesta plant announces the order of a new sports hall 15W x 30L x 7.1H for a private school in Blagoveshchensk, Russia.
PK Vesta plant announces the order of a new sports hall 15W x 30L x 7.1H for a private school in Blagoveshchensk, Russia.
PK Vesta plant announces the order of a new sports hall 15W x 30L x 7.1H for a private school in Blagoveshchensk, Russia.
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