The PK Vesta plant announces the completion of the assembly of a pre-engineered steel workshop 15.5W x 44L x 8H for the manufacture of metal structures in Magnitogorsk, Russia
The prefabricated workshop 15.5W x 44L x 8H, produced at the Tula plant, was successfully put up in the shortest possible time, up to 3-4 weeks, based on the HYBRID system (Rigid Framing + LSF) and classic non-combustible sandwich panels. A new beam crane with a lifting capacity of 5.2 tons was installed and launched. The entire steel frame was assembled without welding using a 100% bolted-together design. The entire upper part of the steel frame (trusses and purlins) has 100% corrosion protection. In the near future, it is planned to install double-glazed windows along the long side of the steel building, which will provide maximum natural light to workers inside the building. In December 2023, in accordance with the approved schedule, the building will be fully commissioned with the start of work on a new technological line for the production of metal structures (a new engineering unit to meet the needs of the nearby famous Magnitogorsk iron and steel plant)
Such a workshop was quickly and easily designed using the free online WebSteelsystem.